Thursday, November 8, 2012

Mockers and Bullies

In today’s culture we would call them bullies. That’s what I opened my Bible to this morning….Jesus… on the cross… being bullied, mocked, ridiculed, and verbally abused.
I’m sorry but I know many of us find ourselves there, at times. Our competitive culture allows it, and internet communities enhance it. Bullying takes place in the school yard, the workplace, in the home, neighborhood and extended families. Strong voices look for ways to vent their anger and hatred. They want to win. They lash out. They rant. They’ve been wronged. They are right. They are afraid. So they hate, destroy and in some ways murder…. someone else.

But Jesus’ abuse had extra tooth in it… His abuse was rooted in the greatest spiritual battle of all time: Jesus was the Savior of the World. He was being pummeled with the all hatred of all hell and the sin of all men. At the cross he was jabbed with scorn, contempt, and disgust. His attackers were religious leaders, teachers, the wealthy, the townspeople, the thieves along side of him….and his friends...yes, those who had been closest to him.

Outwardly they hurled insults at him, among themselves they scorned his teaching, and privately they disowned him.

Have you been there?

I am amazed that Jesus did not answer.

In fact, after they had crucified him, and hurled insults at him and mocked him through another 3 hours as darkness fell on the land, we get a glimpse of what Jesus was going through. His cries, “My God, My God, why have you forsaken me?” show his deepest longing was for fellowship again with his Father. We see his love as he asks his Father to forgive those who were hurting him. And, we learn later that he just endured… not because he wanted to be known as a “great endurer”… but because he knew that if he could continue to endure the abuse, spiritually and physicially, he would save you and me. Allow us to go to heaven and be with him and not hell.

“For the Joy set before Him, He endured the cross, scorning its shame.”

What kind of bullying are you facing today? Can you endure it? Can you just…endure… another moment? Another day. Well, you can, because Jesus has already taken the hill, so to speak, and now, it’s yours to overcome. You can do it with His strength and fellowship. You can. Just endure. Persevere in the work that He is calling you to... be a witness to His love. What they are saying means nothing. NOTHING. If there is sin, own it. Confess it to God. Turn from it. Then be done with it. (1 John 1:9)

If you are just the target of someone’s hatred, endure. Call out to our Father. Ask your Jesus to defend you and protect you. (Psalm 34) He will. And pray for those who persecute you. Pray for their conviction, their faith. You can take this… in His strength. (Phil 3:10)

“Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy set before him endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. “

Right now, you are okay. God Loves you. And that is all that matters.

“And the God of all grace, who called you to his eternal glory in Christ, after you have suffered a little while, will himself restore you and make you strong, firm and steadfast.” 1 Pet. 5:10