Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Lord I Can't Do This

Christian Encouragement For Women's Small Group Leaders If you’re like me, you are looking at the women’s needs in your group, and thinking ‘there is just no way I can help these ladies… I just don’t have the (wisdom, sensitivity, experience, biblical knowledge, patience, love, spiritual gifts, time) to help them…. I only have these meager resources… and they have so much going on.” If so, then we are right where Jesus wants us to be… in fact, we are in good company (with the twelve disciples, chosen from the crowds by Jesus after a night in prayer.) Remember Jesus’ words to the disciples when they wanted to send the crowd into the local towns for food? (Matt 14:15-17) He said, "They do not need to go away. You give them something to eat." Their response was: "We have here only five loaves of bread and two fish." Well, we know what happened. Jesus had the disciples group the people, he gave thanks, and directed the disciples to serve them. In the end, the equivalent of a stadium of people were well fed, both physically and spiritually, and everyone knew it was Jesus, the Son of God, who had blessed them with a miracle. So let's not hesitate to access His power to minister to our ladies and expect His miracles among us by asking Him to fill our service. Prayer: Lord, there are so many needs…. and so many limitations. Thank you for calling us to share your work, but we can’t do this. You know we are weak…and we can’t see where our ladies really are, much less know what they need. Help us. No... more that help us, do the work among us. As we come to serve you this week, adjust the thoughts and attitudes of our hearts away from the flesh and the world…. Help us to value the things you value… and help us to care for the ones you are concerned for… Show us who needs our attention… a word of encouragement… your love. You are the God who leaves the flock to rescue the lost lamb… please Lord do that ministry among us... I pray for my sisters in Christ… help us all to take the time to talk to you today about our inability to serve apart from your strength… and give us a boost in our faith to expect your love and power among us. And, Jesus, please, oh please, do a work so wonderful and glorious in the hidden places of hearts that ‘they forget the channel and see only you!’ Yes, Lord, please do miracles among us to the praise of Your glorious Name. Amen.

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