Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Divinely Appointed

"Then he turned to his disciples and said privately, 'Blessed are the eyes that see what you see. 24 For I tell you that many prophets and kings wanted to see what you see but did not see it, and to hear what you hear but did not hear it.'” Luke 10:23-24

I remember how hard I tried to upgrade my seat on a business trip to Honolulu, but could not. I prayed and called the airline and did everything I could… but my seat was fixed. Then, I sat down on the plane and a gal in her young 20s was there… eager to talk. As the trip went on, it turned out she was a Christian who had been in rebellion for the past several years and was on her way back to Honolulu to break up with her live-in, controlling, and abusive boyfriend. She had been home for Christmas and as the flight went on, she was afraid of what she would face. We talked…. we prayed…. and, well, I won’t know exactly what the Lord said through me to her, but I do know our travels were His plan.

It’s not uncommon for those of us who belong to Jesus to find ourselves in many situations that are ‘so coincidental’ that we later realize they were divinely appointed.

I hope you are starting to realize that about ministry. Are you seeing just glimpses of how the Lord may be using you or others in your group to speak truth, encouragement, conviction or support into each others’ lives. Divinely appointed!

This verse reminds me of how privileged we are to see things others don’t see… to share in an understanding that is divine… and just how privileged we are to enjoy fellowship with the Lord, who is the Living Word and His people…. And that is is so precious that prophets and kings (David? Solomon?) used to long for what we have…. but could not attain it.

The enemy wants to clutter our life, minimize our ministry and lie about God’s word and fellowship so that we lose our perspective of how precious a gift we have been given. This week, I am in refreshed in the greatness of His gifts to us and all He is doing in and through our groups… and the lessons we learn on Tuesday through our dedicated leader and teacher, Lina. Coincidence? No. Divinely Appointed!

Lord, I lift up my sisters in Christ to you… I pray we all are made aware in a new way of the preciousness of the fellowship we have in you… Refresh us in your word. Give us the flush of a newlywed bride as we adore you and treasure your love for us.. and those in our groups.

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